Info The planet Jupiter

The Planet Jupiter Facts- See all the planets positions through out the zodiac for the entire month - Ephemeris:
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Jupiter Ephemeris April 2015:: Jupiter starts the month of  April at 12°R41 Leo in a reverse cycle -(appears to be going back-wards when viewed from the earth & a time to be going back over all 'Jupiter Business' Jupiter goes direct again in April 13th)  Jupiter ends the month at 13 17 degrees in the constellation of adirect cycle

The Planet Jupiter- Astrologically
Jupitor Astrology 

Planet Jupiter- the Facts: The plant Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is perhaps not surprising that the planet Jupiter has long been associated astrologically with growth and expansion. This can be taken in the physical sense in that Jupiter corresponds to the growth of the body - in particular our cellular development and digestion. But the main significance of the planet Jupiter in the birth chart is its function as a personal and a social planet - A role it shares with the planets Saturn, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars all these planets deal with strictly personal aspects of our character without any reference to any 'outer' or environmental factors. The plant Jupiter by contrast, shows how we grow throughout life to full-fill the potential of our birth chart. Growth in this context means how we develop in response to the prevailing beliefs in society and to what extent we blend in with or oppose theses beliefs. Jupiter by astrology sign and by house Interacts above all with our social expectations and ideals, also with our quest to find our place in the world. Jupiter also influences how we go about creating opportunities and how we realize them. On other levels this planet corresponds to religious faith, wisdom, the spirit of the law, philosophy and all theoretical thought. The planet Jupiter also embraces, politics, higher education, morality, travel, exploration and all things foreign, pus both spiritual and material prosperity, over-consumption, obesity and wastefulness. The plant Jupiter both astrological and for real is; a big planet!.  

The Planet Jupiter - Esoteric Astrology

Jupiter is hot (heat makes more active, disturbance, anger) The planet Jupiter is wet (wet blurs distinction, creates sympathy, empathy, unity) The planet Jupiter is masculine (Masculine is outgoing, assertive & seems confident). The planet Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. The planet Jupiter above all relates to our social expectations and ideals, and also how we go about creating opportunities to realize them. On other levels the planet Jupiter corresponds to religious faith, wisdom, our understanding of God; the spirit of the law, philosophy and all theoretical thought. It also embraces, politics, higher education, morality, travel, exploration, anything to do with places abroad, spiritual or material prosperity, over-consumption, obesity and wastefulness. The planet Jupiter's esoteric Colour is light purplish blue. Jupiter governs copper. The planet Jupiter's day is Thursday. The planet Jupiter 's number is 3 The body parts ruled by Jupiter are: liver, hips, thighs, arterial system, pelvis, femur (thighbone). Ailments associated with Jupiter are: Jupiter rules the liver and any complaints of it. As Jupiter's main keyword is that of expansion, it governs swellings and things that grow such as tumours and other growths, either malignant or benign. It is also associated with being overweight and over-indulgence in food, alcohol and drugs  Jupiter's esoteric astrological Gemstones is Topaz. 

Jupiter's - Ruling Herbs & Plants

: Jupiter the planet and plants of expansion and 'religion' tend to be rather large themselves such as oak, pine and magnolia or herbs that are thought to expand ones understanding/spirituality - Agrimony, Nutmeg, Scullcap, Catnip and Meadowsweet would be some examples of Jupiter ruled herbs. See list at - Jupiter Herbs & Plants- Unique Personal Astrology "be amazed"  

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